I'm opening this blog with a picture of my dog, Fletch, because everyone likes him more than me. I don't begrudge him this. He's got the 'it' factor.
This blog will mostly be a record of my authorian quest (see what I did there) to publish my novel The Hemingway Thief. It is the story of a writer and a low-rent thief who go looking for Ernest Hemingway's lost suitcase in the Sierra Madres. How did it get there all the way from Paris? You'll have to read the book (so add getting it published to your birthday wish list). I will say that it is much more plausible than the idea of a pregant woman traveling alone through the first century Roman Empire from Jerusalem to the south of France. I'm looking at you, Dan Brown.
But my quest, as epic as it may be, will not be enough to feed the Content Monkey and so I will also be writing about my three obsessions; books, movies, and Notre Dame Football. My wife is also pregnant with our first child (we've nicknamed it Little Whoosh-whoosh because of the sound of its heartbeat, awwwwww). So you can expect a little bit of that craziness as well. And of course more pictures of Fletch.
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